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In the times we live in, art and the free expression of it is necessary more than ever.

The main characteristic of works of art is either the depiction of events and situations or as a vehicle for escapism of all these into imaginary worlds, transporting the consumer.

Its power lies not only in the creation  itself, but also in the symbolism of each work, provoking our thoughts and moods.

I think it is very important nowadays that art remains free and can have its own voice and remain uninfluenced and separated from the power structures of todays society.

For this reason, I offer you here the option to financially support my work yourself, so that my voice can continue to exist and be heard, through the works I offer to you.

The money from donations will be used either to directly assist in the creation of new works, indirectly by supporting the continuation of projects, or the even help third party artists whenever necessary.

You can either donate one time or choose an amount for monthly support.

Thank you for your support!


With love,

Evgenios Anastasiadis


©2023 All rights reserved

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